In an interview with CoinDesk, the twins said they were considering joining the Libra Association, the governing body set up by Facebook to oversee its soon to be launched ‘cryptocurrency.’ “We’re definitely looking at it in earnest and we’re excited about the project,” Cameron said. The brothers’ relationship with Mark Zuckerberg has been strained ever since they accused the Facebook CEO of swindling their idea for a social network However, rumours about a possible collaboration have been swirling for months. Back in May, the Financial Times reported that Zuckerberg had spoken to the brothers about his plans to develop a digital currency. Since announcing it’s ‘cryptocurrency’ in June, Facebook has ruffled feathers with some politicians and bankers calling its project into question. Just yesterday, authorities in India said they were no more keen on the social media giant’s project than any cryptocurrency that came before it. While Facebook will have to answer to politicians and regulators across the globe, I for one can’t wait to see how a potential collaboration between the Winklevoss brothers and Zuckerberg will pan out. And more importantly, what, if anything, this will mean for the wider cryptocurrency world.