Sounds AMAZING but… you shouldn’t trust it too much. As a matter of fact, the company itself warned that the software update “may do the wrong thing at the worst time.” While some Tesla lovers might turn a blind eye to the dangers of complacency, the video above shows that the software does have a number of serious limitations. YouTube user AI Addict took his Tesla for a ride in downtown San Francisco to test the Beta 9 upgrade. And (unexpectedly?) it turned out that the car made a series of mistakes. During the drive, the Tesla scrapes against a bush, takes the wrong lane before a turn, makes an unprotected right, and even takes a wild left turn, nearly colliding with a parked car — obviously, the driver had to interfere to avoid it. What’s more, the software occasionally disengages, abruptly handing over control to the driver without notice. Sounds… terrifying. But don’t take my word for it, check out the video above to see for yourself. Then you need the weekly SHIFT newsletter in your life. Click here to sign up.