Last week, the Indian government extended the lockdown by two weeks. However, it divided its 733 districts into Red, Orange, and Green zones to denote the severity of the spread of coronavirus in those areas (red being the worst affected). Currently, 130 districts are classified as Red, 284 as Orange, and 319 as Green. Earlier this morning, Uber said it’s resuming its services in Green and Orange zones. In Orange zones, it’ll work only outside containment areas. In Red Zones, it has UberEssential and UberMedic services to carry health professionals and provide access to hospitals. You can check out the full list of areas here. Meanwhile, Ola said it’s resuming its services in 100 cities that fall under Orange and Green Zones. In a statement, Anand Subramanian, spokesperson and head of communications, Ola, thanked the government and said it’s opening its service to millions of citizens: The company said it’s taking measures to ensure the safety of passengers and drivers including compulsory masks and two passengers per car limit. You can check the list of all 100 cities where Ola is resuming its service here.