Job hunting is seldom fun under the best of circumstances. And as we’d all agree, right now is clearly nowhere close to the best of circumstances. U.S. unemployment has skyrocketed the past several weeks to around 13 percent — with projections it could reach as high as 30 percent by this summer.  If you’re going to be looking for a job anytime soon, you need a resume that is capable of muscling its way to the top of a hiring manager’s stack against an absurd amount of competition. Any significant flaw or discrepancy could be all that it takes to be instantly discarded from a job that may be your perfect fit. You need to make sure your resume is airtight and battle-ready — and thankfully, TopResume wants to help. A top tier resume writing service, TopResume is right now offering a full review of your current resume completely for free. It’s a process that even more vital than ever with the rise of automated Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) doing much of employer pre-screening these days. About 40 percent of companies enlist an ATS to weed through their applicants, dividing out strong candidates from the weak often on the basis of keywords and other specific data found in the job description. Under those criteria, ATS often rejects about 75 percent of applicants who never even get seen by a human being. When you upload your resume to TopResume, they’ll check it out, then report back to you within 48 hours with a personalized, actionable plan for improving your first impression.  After studying your style, organization, writing and mechanics, TopResume will tell you exactly what you need to change and what you might need to add to attract the attention of an ATS so you don’t end up in the discard pile. TopResume gets 1.5 million visits to their website each month and have amassed a 4.4 out of 5 star rating on Trustpilot from nearly 7,000 reviews, so you know thousands trust and appreciate their judgment. If you’re looking for a job, may be looking for a job soon, or fear you might have to be looking for a job soon, this free offer means you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain. Prices are subject to change.