And why should AWS give out free credit? It’s simple, because everyone will win. Here’s why it’s a win:win for us all. 

1. Demonstrate serious commitment to startups

2. Relieve our cash flows

Many companies need urgent support and suppliers are extending any hand they can to aid cash preservation, runway extension, and for many, survival. Credits will immediately provide some welcome relief to our cash flows.

3. Our survival is critical to AWS’s business

4. Win loyalty, market share, and new customers

AWS’s business already has millions of customers but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to cement customer loyalty and potentially increase market share. Generously offering additional credits will resonate not only with existing customers and build unprecedented brand loyalty but will also demonstrate to companies thinking of moving providers, that AWS is the supplier of choice. There are thousands of founders across the globe conceiving tomorrow’s startups, contemplating whose services and products to consume. What better advert and what more compelling reason can AWS offer a potential customer than this show of support? And what more authentic reason could AWS give existing customers to stay loyal than by supporting them now? 

5. It’s quick and easy

I am asking AWS to offer us all additional credits based on the last 12 month’s spend. Help us … based on how much business we do with you. Reward your loyal customers. Offering us all, say, the equivalent of one quarter’s standard usage based on the last 12 months of consumption would be a spectacular way you can help us through this difficult time.  Founders and CTOs, please help demonstrate that this initiative is vital to you too by joining hundreds of others and signing my letter to Andy here on    And Andy if you’re reading this, I know you need to secure your own business, have many demands on your time and are already helping COVID initiatives – but we the startup and scale-up community need your help too.