What’s the most popular Microsoft Office app? While it’s tough to make that call with certainty, it’s hard to imagine Microsoft Word doesn’t lead that pack. Ask for other Office features that get lots of use and you’ll likely hear plenty of votes cast for Excel, Outlook, or PowerPoint. One app you don’t hear cited nearly as often is Microsoft Access. But in an age where data is king, you may be shocked at the everyday utility of the industry-leading information management tool. The Ultimate Microsoft Access Mastery Bundle ($29.99, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals) can help open your eyes to the power of databases and what they can mean to your daily workflow as well as your professional future. With 224 lectures covering over 50 hours of training, this bundle pulls together all the best recent Access 2019, 2016 and 2013 training, offering up a fully-rounded view of how to get the most out of this sneaky, powerful software. Filled with exercises and testing, this training delves into everything you need to know, from creating and maintaining Access databases; to using Access tables, relationships and keys; to task automation and customization; to producing advanced reports that dig deep into your data. Regularly $594, this coursework can turn you an advanced Access user for just $29.99. Software not included. Prices are subject to change. You can’t beat free! Get $70+ worth of premium Mac apps for free today!