At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss growth hacking as really just another term for more traditional marketing efforts. It’s all about reaching audiences and driving up sales, so in that respect, growth hacking is marketing. But once you scratch the surface, it doesn’t take much examination to see that growth hacking is a little more than buying ads and posting to Facebook. It’s a targeted and highly focused approach to testing and analyzing growth strategies to produce big returns almost immediately. Hey, if everybody could juice up their profits in a matter of weeks while spending almost nothing, everyone would do it, right? Not really. Because it isn’t all that simple, as the training in The Complete 2021 Growth Hacker Bundle ($39.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals) proves. The collection brings together 13 different courses and nearly 50 hours of training that zeros in on how to use tools like social media campaigns, SEO, and even old standbys like email marketing to create a structured approach to growing users, generating returns, and giving your operation its best shot at success fast. The backbone of any marketing campaign is outreach, which means you need to be reaching out to your circle of potential customers to see what works and what isn’t.  Courses like Email Marketing: Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers and Email Marketing: How To Build an Email List of Customers help entrepreneurs hook users and convince them to opt-in as subscribers, form attractive offers that spur those subscribers to become customers, and how to do it all without resorting to unsavory tactics like spam. The SEO Training Masterclass teaches not only the basics of keywords and their role in putting you at the top of Google search results, but also offers hands-on, real time exploration of strategies used by leading SEO agencies to build immediate search success. Finally, since each social media platform has its own vibe, its own procedures, and its own distinct audience, a handful of courses dive into each, offering tactics that have found proven results for users. From Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Craigslist, this training explains how to use each to their max to help find the extra edge you need for your business. The Complete 2021 Growth Hacker Bundle features almost $2,600 worth of inside marketing knowledge, but it’s available now for about $3 per course, just $39.99. Prices are subject to change.