Of course, that relationship never gets started if you can’t come up with content that speaks to your audience. Be it a picture, an article or even a single line of copy to engage and start that dialogue, The Complete Content Marketing Master Class Course (normally $49, 77 percent off, from TNW Deals) is all about learning to create those breakthrough opportunities; and it’s on sale for only $11.  In all, the course features over 50 lectures, laying out a roadmap for a content pipeline that will continually resonate with potential customers. You’ll find steps for figuring out the characteristics of your target demographic, then how to tailor content to that ideal customer. The training covers best practices for writing articles, creating compelling visual, audio and video content and strengthening your marketing funnel to boost the odds of turning casual observers into dedicated customers. There’s also a heavy emphasis on refining your social media game, including tactics for generating more views and engagement on various social platforms as well as email marketing. The program even helps you gauge your effectiveness by understanding how to use analytics on websites, YouTube and social media to refine your techniques and better achieve your goals. Usually a $49 course, getting in on this limited time deal now will land you the entire package for less than a movie ticket, just $11 before this offer ends. Like this deal? Check out Vault — you’ll get four premium tools, including NordVPN and Dashlane, to supercharge your online security. Enter code VAULTONE to try it out for just $1!