Google has announced it’s cracking down on sites that abuse notifications starting from Chrome 84, which will drop on July 14. Sites with intrusive notifications and permission requests will be filtered under a “quieter notifications UI,” which will also warn users that the site might be trying to trick them. “Abusive notification prompts are one of the top user complaints we receive about Chrome. A large percentage of notification requests and notifications come from a small number of abusive sites,” Google explained. “Only a small fraction of websites will be affected by this change but we expect the impact on notification volumes will be significant for some users.” Upon launch, the new notification protections will only affect permission requests from sites you’ve not already approved, but Google might extend this to all offenders in the future.

If you own an abusive site, Google will inform you of any notification violations in the Search Console, and you’ll also receive an email about it at least 30 days prior to enforcement. The company has also put out a guide on how to fix abusive notifications experiences in order to avoid getting placed on the quieter notification UI. via AndroidPolice