“Are you sure you want to buy this,” I asked you incredulously. “Yes,” you insist. “I’ve got really good health insurance – and it includes dental.” “But wait,” I retort. “You’ll look really silly.” “I don’t mind,” you said. “I’m completely bereft of self-awareness. I could streak through the streets wearing nothing but a latex horse mask, and I wouldn’t even blush. And anyway — being a dickhead’s cool.” “You know you can rent these, right,” I said. “Lime, Bird, there are loads of companies that have dumped electric scooters on the streets of your city. A ride is something like three dollars. You really don’t need to spend nearly $400 on this Xiaomi Mi electric scooter.” “But I want to,” you replied. “I’m tired of giving money to the venture capital industrial complex. And anyway, I don’t want other people’s germs.” “Fine,” I relent. “I suppose it is a good deal. This has a list price of $535, so you’re getting a decent chunk of cash off. According to CamelCamelCamel, it’s at its lowest price yet. And it’s got a range of 18.6 miles, so it’ll easily ferry you between work and your apartment. And when you get embarrassed of driving around on a kid’s toy, you can easily fold it up and hide it in your office, or something.” “Good point,” you said. “So, where can I get this fabulous deal?” This post includes affiliate links to products that you can buy online. If you purchase them through our links, we get a small cut of the revenue.