You won’t find a smoother viewing experience than a 4K screen with 144Hz refresh rate and a 1ms response time. Unfortunately, contraptions that fall in this product category will cost you an arm and a leg, so it’s often tough to justify purchasing one (if you’ve got the cash to spare in the first place). You know what’s still an affordable, albeit slightly less luxurious, alternative, though? Dell’s S3219D monitor — and as luck would have it, there’s a succulent deal on it right now. Plus, there are other pros to copping one of these. It’s got plenty of ports, including an HDMI port, a DisplayPort, and support for USB, and it also comes with two built-in 5W speakers.

“Whatever man, I’ve already got a better monitor at my desk,” you might say. I get that. I recently put together a gaming rig, and although I’m probably going for a beefier main monitor, the S3219D is among the main contenders for a second screen. That way, I can game and do intensive editing work on my main monitor, and use the Dell for an additional 32-inches of screen real estate — for chatting, browsing, and other forms of distraction. Seriously, you can’t go wrong with it. This post includes affiliate links to products that you can buy online. If you purchase them through our links, we get a small cut of the revenue.

CHEAP  Get 32 inches of delight with this Dell 1440p monitor for just  180 - 95