I love a good hard drive. It’s such a wonderful feeling to have a tiny little box filled with an array of digital goodies. I mean, just the idea that this palm-sized device could fit more music than you could conceivably listen to in a decade is, well, magical. So, when you can get a 2TB Western Digital Elements portable external hard drive for only $59.99, you know you should buy one immediately. This is an 8 percent discount (read: $5) off its normal price, which makes it the cheapest external hard drive of this size from a reputed manufacturer. In terms of what you get for that sweet $60, you’ll receive the aforementioned 2TB of storage, a USB 3.0 connection, and a fast transfer feed. Not a bad deal, right? It comes formatted for Windows out the box, but you can easily reformat for a Mac I remember having to spend over a hundred dollars (well, it was pounds, but same difference) on a 500GB drive a few years ago, so the fact you can get a 2TB Western Digital portable one for this price now is, well, outstanding. Sometimes, you’ve just got to bow down to the joys of technology. The 2TB Western Digital Elements portable external hard drive is perfect for a few things. Maybe you want a back-up of your computer, or somewhere to keep big files you’re working on, or just want a way to transport your media collection — whatever it is, this portable drive has your back. So, head over here to pick up a 2TB Western Digital Elements portable external hard drive for the low, low price of $59.99 — you’re not going to regret it. This post includes affiliate links to products that you can buy online. If you purchase them through our links, we get a small cut of the revenue.

CHEAP   60 for this 2TB Western Digital portable HD  TIME TO TEAR OFF OUR CLOTHES IN JOY - 11