If you’re looking for a new career path, consider this — by 2030, the world is going to need another 25 million new project managers to help keep all those important strategic business initiatives on track. From software development to mobile apps, from IT security to specialized industry-centric roles like healthcare tech specialists, that means 2.3 million trained and certified project process experts needed every year, according to the Project Management Institute. If it’s one of the popular approaches to managing the personnel, resources, timelines, and ultimate success of a development process, there’s a good chance it’s covered in this giant 22-course, 80-plus-hour training explosion. As an overview of the entire profession, the Project Management in One Hour course is a great place to start, with an efficient explanation of the key concepts any project manager will be forced to confront. Other primer courses also offer learners the chance to dive into an assortment of training in a handful of managerial soft skills as well, including productivity, compliance and risk management, leadership, and more. Several courses cluster around the Agile management model, a process marked by an iterative approach hinging on short range deliverables and quick response and adaptation to stakeholder feedback. Coursework here explains using Jira to help manage an Agile project, as well as how to use the more specialized Agile subset Scrum to better control factors like team self-organization, collaboration, transparency, evaluation, and more. While Agile focuses on adaptability, the Lean Six Sigma approach centers around standardizing process to weed out defects and eliminate problems before they happen. A trio of courses here guide learners through the various steps of Six Sigma mastery from Green Belt to White Belt to Black Belt on the way to certification. Finally, the Project Management Institute is the most industry-recognized certification body in the project manager field, so a handful of training leads students through their approach as well, leaning heavily on a more rigid process of overall optimization toward project success. Prices are subject to change.