Tweet of the week

COVID-19 is just getting started. The pandemic is NOT “winding down,” “ending,” or “almost over.” Things are absolutely, definitely, NOT going “back to normal.” The US will soon face its toughest challenge as a nation. Experts predict the winter will bring a surge in cases and, with them, deaths. Even with the miracle vaccines, the prognosis is dark for 2021. Most of us won’t get the vaccine next year and those that do can still spread the virus. But it is time for us to move on. All of us. We need to figure out what our new normal is. We need to feed our families, pay our bills, and learn to celebrate our lives in this dangerous paradigm without risking the lives of others. We need to learn to care about our neighbors. And if our governments and churches won’t lead us to this truth, we have to find it on our own. This is the final edition of the Coronavirus in Context newsletter. I want to thank each and every reader, guest writer, and editor who participated: this was your newsletter and I couldn’t be more proud of what we accomplished together. — Bryan Leyva, MD⚕️ (@DrBryanLeyva) December 14, 2020 Well, bye Aside from just being a big old science nerd, I’m also the editor of TNW’s artificial intelligence section “Neural.” Each week I’ll break down the most interesting, impactful, and exciting stories in the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computing. My focus, as always, is on the human-centric aspects of AI. So you can expect big-picture stories that discuss both the near-term and far-future impacts of today’s biggest breakthroughs. I can’t way to see you there in 2021! The pandemic isn’t over and we’re all in this together. The good news is that doing your part is easy peasy lemon squeezy:

  1. Wear a mask. 2. Stay 2-3 meters away from others in public spaces. 3. Support government officials who take the pandemic seriously.  Adios, Tristan